Peru participates successfully in Asia Fruit Logistica
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With commercial agreements of US$ 162 million for the next twelve months, 18% more than initially projected, the Peruvian delegation concluded its participation in Asia Fruit Logistica, the main trade fair on the continent specializing in fresh fruits and vegetables that took place from September 5 to 7 in Hong Kong.
This show, which attracts more than 13,000 buyers from 76 countries, mainly from China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, India and Japan, represents the gateway to China and the entire Asian continent.
Visitors were able to see the products exported from more than 800 companies from 43 countries, including Peru, which with a delegation of 150 businessmen, made about 600 contacts between new and consolidated contacts.
The most in demand Peruvian products were avocados, grapes, blueberries and mangoes. Ginger, granadilla and cherimoya also aroused great interest.
It is also worth mentioning the special interest shown by buyers from India, who wish to acquire and position the Peruvian avocado in their country.
It is also important to highlight the support of the Peruvian Commercial Offices Abroad (OCEX) located in the Asian market, which managed the presence of some interesting commercial contacts.
The Peruvian pavilion had an exhibition area of 228 square meters, the biggest to date at this trade fair.
This activity is part of the joint strategy of the private and public sectors that aims to internationalize companies in the industry, as well as to present and position Peruvian exports in the Asian market. The delegation was accompanied by representatives from Senasa, Sierra Exportadora and PROMPERÚ, who will coordinate work to support exporting SMEs.
The Peruvian participation was organized by the Association of Agricultural Producers Guilds of Peru – AGAP, together with the Ministries of Foreign Trade and Tourism – MINCETUR, and Agriculture and Irrigation - MINAGRI, and PROMPERÚ; and it also had the support of the Peruvian German Chamber of Commerce, as a representative of the trade fair in Peru.