Peruvian Brazil nuts capture international markets
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Our superfoods continue to capture international markets. Proof of this are exports of Peruvian Brazil nuts, which exceeded $66 million by the end of 2018.
The result obtained shows a 41 % growth compared to the previous year's result, according to the Exporters Association (Adex).
This product represents 33.8 % of exports of natural products and is sent to 26 countries, South Korea (50 million, 891,000 dollars) being the destination that accounts for 77% of shipments. The United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France, Vietnam, Netherlands, New Zealand and Colombia come next on the list.
One of the regions that produces most Peruvian Brazil nuts is Madre de Dios, where the crop covers over 6 million acres.
Rodrigo Coca, general manager of Manutata SAC, a company that exports Peruvian Brazil nuts to different parts of the world and that has a plant in Puerto Maldonado, commented on the subject and highlighted the social, environmental and, above all, economic impact that Peruvian Brazil nuts shipments have in the region; approximately 20% of its population depends directly and indirectly on their collection and production.
Benefits of Peruvian Brazil nut consumption
This nut, whose scientific name is Castanea Sativa, has quite a high nutritional value. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6, the latter helping to reduce tiredness and fatigue. It also maintains balanced blood sugar levels, removes the feeling of hunger and helps to control hypertension.
According to a study, a single portion of Brazil nuts is enough to improve the lipid profile, without producing hepatic or renal toxicity. In addition, and due to its high fiber content, it helps proper gut transit functioning and combats constipation.
Did you know?
- The Brazil nut tree is one of the tallest trees in the Amazon (it reaches a height of over 160 feet).
- Brazil nut are the nuts with least calories.
Sources: Andina/ La Vanguardia