2016 Expotextil: a place to explore and learn
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2016 Expotextil Peru will take place from October 20th to 23th at Jockey Exhibition Center at the Hipódromo de Monterrico in Lima.Expotextil Peru has been, the most important gathering point of the textile-manufacturing production chain for companies looking to access Peruvian national market and companies aspiring to break through international markets. This exhibition will have the latest technology in heavy machinery, raw materials, fabric and chemical inputs, organic products and more. 2016 Expotextil Peru will welcome more than 30 countries from all over the world, with over 220 important representatives and exhibitors from Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Korea, Spain, United States, France, India, Mexico, Turkey, and other countries. Luisa Mesones, the fair’s organizer and General Manager at Plastic Concept S.A.C. states that Peruvian exporters and entrepreneurs will try to top US$ 95.5 million in sales since the 2015 edition. Another goal is to top the 24 thousand visitors from last year. Peruvian textile export is greatly important worldwide, also considered an important source of development and employment, benefiting thousands of Peruvian exporters.