Peru hosts world olive oil competition
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The sixth edition of the Sol d'Oro Hemisferio Sur contest, which seeks to recognize the world's best extra virgin olive oil, has been held in Peru. This is the first time that all the countries of the southern region of the planet have participated, with the largest number of samples entered to date.
In this edition, which took place from September 23 to 25, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Peru participated for the first time. In addition, 73 samples were presented, the highest number of all editions of the competition. Of this total, 22% came from Peru, most notably from the regions of Tacna with seven, Arequipa with two and Moquegua with one.
It should be noted that the Sol d'Oro contest is one of the most important in the world and is held with the aim of recognizing the best extra virgin olive oils produced in countries south of the equator and encouraging improvements in production, quality and exports.
As this year's host country, Peru places it in a privileged position on the world map of olive growing, since it allows the country to show itself to be one of the main producers of olives and olive oil in this part of the planet.
The competition was run by Verona Fiere, the top events organizer in Italy and second by volume in Europe, owing to its more than one hundred years of experience in the sector. The Peruvian Pro Olivo Association and the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PROMPERÚ) were the co-organizers.
The winners will be announced during the closing ceremony of Expoalimentaria 2019.