Tocosh: the legacy of the Andean natural medicine
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Its millenary use became it in an imminent product of the Peruvian natural medicine. The tocosh is considered as the penicillin of the Andes due to its incredible antibiotic value. It was consumed from the Inca times and since it was thought it was a gift from the Apus (deities) as an appreciation to its constant offering and rituals.
The tocosh is obtained by the pulp of the fermented potato. This tuber is considered a food from Peru and contains many benefits as iron, vitamin D, C, B6, magnesium and potassium, substances that become this product into the natural penicillin to heal diseases as ulcers, gastritis, respiratory diseases, loss of hair, possible skin conditions and prevents the osteoporosis.
Tocosh is prepared by selecting the potatoes that passed the harvest period, specially, the Huayro, Iskupuro and White types. Then, the bitter one is chosen which will be used to prepare the product. After the selection, a 60cm-depth well is dig close to the ditch where the “shicshi” is added. Shicshi is a straw brought from the altitudes and must be dense and compact because the potato will be covered with it.
After this procedure, many stones are placed over it allowing the water flows over and without separating any tuber despite its power. You should make them rest for a month and a half, after that time, the product will be removed, and the potatoes will dry for three days. With all this process, the tocosh is ready to be eaten. It can be consumed before the meals and three times per day.
According to the nutritional science and nutrition, it has 80.01g% of carbohydrates, 3.92g% of proteins and 343,4 cal-g% in low-fat calories. Some studies mention that the tocosh has a probiotic component and is considered a ferment product. Additionally, it can be used for the after labor, cold, pneumonia, healing of hemorrhoids and for altitude sickness (soroche).
1. Acts as a natural penicillin due to the process of the potato which activates its antibiotic component and bactericide.
2. It is a probiotic food that contains alkaloids, amino acids, and antimicrobial.
3. The immunological system develops and improves the health.
4. Helps to remove stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis
5. Also, it relieves pain by eliminating kidney conditions and hemorrhoids.
6. It improves the digestive process, intestinal flora and prevents osteoporosis.
7. If you want to improve your body heat, eat it with hot water and honey.
The tocosh mazamorra is one of the most eaten desserts in the Peruvian highlands due to its height nutritional value. Its preparation is simple. Find below the ingredients to prepare it:
1. Tocosh flour
2. Cinnamon
3. Cloves
4. Sugar to taste
5. Orange skin
Boils water with cinnamon, cloves, and orange skins. After, add tocosh flour with sugar. Stir until dilute it. Finally, let it cool and serve.