Pisco Sour is becoming more and more famous and Kylie Minogue knows it
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Kylie Minogue mentioned Pisco Sour during a live broadcast on Facebook Watch. We are talking about #DISCO with KYLIE! program, where the artist answers questions from her followers while dancing to the rhythm of the music.
The interpreter of “The Loco-Motion” and “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” surrendered to Pisco Sour when one of her followers asked her live what her favorite cocktail was.
The response was as forceful as the cocktail in the throat: "I think one of my favorite coctails would be Pisco Sour ... Very good!", the singer commented.
You can see Kylie's full program by clicking on the following link (the allusion to Pisco Sour goes at 19:54):
A popular drink
This reference to Pisco Sour is one more demonstration of the popularity that this drink enjoys among the stars. Already in the fifties, Alfonso Tealdo interviewed the famous director Orson Welles at the English Bar of the Hotel Bolívar, in Lima.
After drinking several ‘Catedrales’, the director of "Citizen Kane" walked through the Plaza San Martín, exclaiming "Pisco Sour, Pisco Sour!"
John Wayne himself also tried the cocktail in that same bar.
More recently, singer Katy Perry declared during a visit to Lima that Pisco Sour “inspires” her.
Sources: PromPerú/ El Comercio/ Wapa