Peru will present a range of mining projects at PDAC 2018
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Peru will be Country Sponsor for the fourth consecutive year at PDAC 2018 (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada), positioning itself as the best country in the region for foreign investment. The delegation will be led by the first Vice President and ambassador of Peru in Canada, Martín Vizcarra, with representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, PROMPERÚ, ProInversión, and the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce also taking part.
Peru will present a numerous range of projects, such as the recently approved Michiquillay Megaproject, which will allow for an investment of approximately US$ 2.5 billion, and will be a great development opportunity for the Cajamarca region. Investment projects planned for the coming 10 years, and exceeding US$ 58 billion, will also be presented in mining exploration, operation and expansion projects.
The projected range of these mining projects is decentralized and located in Cuzco, Cajamarca, Moquegua, Tacna, Ica, Lima, Arequipa, Junín, Piura, Áncash, Huancavelica and Lambayeque.
Key points, such as the country's social and environmental licenses and the competitiveness of the Peruvian mining industry, will be tackled by the Peruvian representatives at the mining event. Additionally, important announcements will be made on measures that will boost the mineral exploration activity in Peru.
The PDAC is one of the most important conventions in the mineral exploration industry worldwide, and its relevance lies in the fact that it is the main international platform promoting the discussion, exhibition and analysis of mining projects and exploration in different parts of the world.
This year the national representation organized by Jorge León Benavides, President of the PDAC 2018 Peruvian delegation, and José Vizquerra, President of the Canada-Peru Chamber of Commerce, is made up of over 280 mining executives and business people, as well as an important and representative group of public officials, including the First Vice President of the Republic and Peruvian Ambassador to Canada, Martín Vizcarra, the ministers of Energy and Mines, Economy and Finance and Foreign Affairs, as well as senior officials of Mincetur. The Peruvian participation is of vital importance since it will allow the promotion of the country as a destination for mining investment.
• The PDAC is expected to gather together over 3,700 investors, 270 international media outlets and over 24,000 visitors from 130 countries across five continents.
• At PDAC 2017, 17% of the total attending the event were company presidents, 9% were CEOs, 13% were directors and 28% were managers.
• Peruvian metal mining production experienced a 3.9% increase over the first 11 months of 2017, mainly due to good copper, zinc, iron and molybdenum performance. This made the metal mining industry the second fastest growing industry in the country.
• For 2018, the Central Reserve Bank of Peru has projected a 4.2% real growth in the metal mining industry.