Ica to host tourism innovation event
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Ica, the city of eternal sun, will host the next Startup Weekend Travel. This event, which focuses on tourism innovation, is organized by the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PROMPERÚ) and Techstars.
The methodology of this event, to be held from June 7 to 9, involves forming multidisciplinary teams to develop innovative ideas and challenge participants maximize their skills over a weekend.
As such, it will bring together students, tourism professionals, designers and programmers eager to become agents of change and strengthen tourism startups in Peru.
Startup Weekend Travel is promoted by the Google for Startups program and has the support of the Zegel Ipae Business Institute. This event will seek to identify innovative solutions that support the business initiatives of tourism startups in the central macro-region.
Event schedule
It will begin on Friday June 7 with the In Tourism Bootcamp, an immersion in PROMPERÚ tools that will allow participants to make informed decisions and sustain their innovation projects.
Afterwards, attendees will present their projects and form working groups that, on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9, will concentrate on developing them. The teams will be advised by a set of mentors, professionals specialized in many areas such as tourism management, marketing, business, technology and more.
In recognition of the effort of the entrepreneurs, the three best projects of the event will be incubated by Zegel Ipae. In other words, they will receive advice and coaching to implement their project.
The most recent edition of Startup Weekend Travel was held in the city of Cusco from April 26 to 28, 2019, with the participation of the Universidad Andina del Cusco (UAC) and other institutions that were eager to support national talent.
The event brought together more than 70 participants from Apurímac, Arequipa, Cusco, Lima, Moquegua and Puno. On this occasion, 'Juntas', a platform that connects female travelers around the world through a virtual community, was the winning project. As a prize, it received access to the UAC's incubator, where the team will receive advice to develop their idea.
For more information, go to bit.ly/2VSmyb6