Peru to have first Science and Technology Museum
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Thanks to an initiative from the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Concytec), our country will have its first Science and Technology Museum which, through its creation and innovation, will pay tribute to the upcoming Bicentennial celebrations.
This information was released by Marco Rinaldi, coordinator of Concytec's Science Popularization Program. "We have been given the Herculean task of giving Peru a science and technology museum by 2021. It will serve as the main venue for the ongoing promotion of science and technology. We are working on it as part of the Bicentennial project".
Rinaldi added that the proposal for the creation of the museum is framed within territorial concepts of social appropriation and popularization of science, and it is envisaged that the museum will become an institution that promotes, educates, disseminates and positions science, technology and innovation firmly among the population, thus contributing to social development and inclusion.
Possible locations
The coordinator noted that information is being exchanged with the Ministry of Culture regarding the potential location for the museum to operate. "There is a willingness to make this a good project and have it ready in 2021, or at least started by then".
He also reported that three possible locations are being considered, with Concytec's headquarters in San Borja, where a large warehouse is currently situated, being one of the options. "Another possibility is in Rímac. That's what we're discussing with the [district] Board. The president of Concytec, Fabiola León-Velarde, will meet with the Ministry of Housing to apply for rezoning of an area where patrol cars are currently kept. The third place would be in Pachacámac," highlighted Rinaldi.
What is Concytec?
Concytec is the public governing body of science, technology and innovation which is entrusted with formulating policies and promoting and managing actions to generate and transfer scientific knowledge and technologies in support of the social and economic development of the country.
Furthermore, it develops and carries out special programs, focused on the training, improvement, retention and collaboration of scientists and technologists, as well as support for university research and the promotion of innovation, transference, diffusion, exchange and outreach projects.
Sources: Concytec/ Andina