Still don't know who Milco is?
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The cuchimilcos, where the name of the Lima 2019 Pan American Games and Parapan American Games mascot comes from, are clay statuettes found in the archeological sites of the Chancay culture, which developed between the years 1200 and 1470. However, this charismatic mascot has a special history that everyone should know about.
How old is he?
Milco represents the heritage of a culture that appeared in the year 1200 A.D., but the mascot arrived in the world in 2017, in the most Peruvian week of all, the week of the nation’s anniversary.
What is his special power?
He is the #1 fan of the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games! Although that's not "exactly" a power, Milco can adapt to the most demanding conditions (like any good Peruvian) and transform his tattoos and clothing according to the sports he practices: indoor, outdoor or water sports. How's it going?
What are his main interests?
He loves healthy competition, but loves sports a lot more than winning. That's why he always defends fair play and, above all, justice.
Where does he live?
They say he was born in a stone oven, but his home is on every court and field, in every corner that serves as the home of your favorite sports and in the fervent hearts of the sporting flame.
What is his mission?
To live up to the values of the games in his "own clay"
What are these values?
At the Pan American Games, excellence, friendship, respect and courage. At the Parapan Americans, determination, equality and inspiration.