Get to know the main reasons for pride among Peruvians
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Our natural products, tourist attractions, culture and history, sports, and Marca Perú (Peru Brand) are listed as the main "reasons for pride among Peruvians," according to a study conducted by research company Ipsos Apoyo, at the request of PROMPERÚ.
The national survey included 1,009 interviews which were conducted between July 17 and 21.
According to the results, "natural products such as quinoa, ají, maca, among others" generate an important feeling of national pride among 93% of respondents. Moreover, it was found that 88% of Peruvians are proud of the "tourist attractions" and "the culture and history of our country".
Regarding the question of how proud we are of Marca Perú, an approval of 82% of those surveyed was achieved. Finally, when inquiring about the feeling of pride in "the sport in our country", this reached a positive endorsement of 75%.
The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Edgar Vásquez, said that these results show significant growth in this positive feeling, which will be reflected on a continuous basis.
"This feeling of pride for being Peruvian will enable us not only to value ourselves and show that we are capable of being better, but also to make our products known to foreign visitors, to feel proud of our tourist attractions, history and culture, among other things," he said.
Referring to the positive support that Peruvians have for Marca Perú, the head of MINCETUR indicated that this is an important promotional tool that invites all citizens to become promoters of the wonders of our country.
"When Marca Perú was launched in 2011, the most representative feeling it generated was Pride / Pride in being Peruvian, with 57%. Today when we measure how proud we are of Marca Perú, we reach 82%. This is a very revealing result that encourages us to follow, with even greater strength, the work we do at MINCETUR and PROMPERÚ," he said.
Since its creation, Marca Perú has achieved significant milestones, such as the 'Peru, Nebraska', 'Loreto, Italy', 'Recordarás Perú' (You will remember Peru) and 'Intercambiados' (Exchanged) campaigns, or its presentation in iconic locations such as the screens of Times Square, the New York Stock Exchange (Wall Street) or, more recently, through the Casa Perú (Peru House) strategy at events that congregate large international audiences.
Recently, two international studies have been published on country reputation and image, in which Peru stands out. According to Country RepTrack 2019, our country ranks first among Latin American countries in the ranking of the 55 countries with the highest GDP in the world. For its part, Future Brand included us "among the must-see countries" because of the growth in the awareness of its country image since its last study.
Sample: 1,009 interviews.
Date of measurement: From July 17 to 21, 2019.
Sampling error: 3.1 %
Confidence level: 95 %
Population: Men and women over the age of 18 belonging to all socioeconomic levels.
Area: Urban
Geographic Coverage: Metropolitan Lima (Lima and Callao); North (Áncash, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Piura, Tumbes); Center (Huancavelica, Huánuco, Pasco, Junín, Lima Provinces); South (Cusco, Ayacucho, Moquegua, Ica, Arequipa, Tacna, Puno and Apurímac); East (Madre de Dios, Amazonas, Ucayali, San Martin, Loreto).
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