Trade Partial Scope Agreement between Peru and Venezuela
Crude petroleum oil is the main product that Peru imports from Venezuela. It was signed on January 7, 2012.
Economic Partnership Agreement between Peru and Japan
Economic Complementation Agreement between Peru and Cuba
The objective was to promote the Latin American integration process by granting concessions between the countries.
Economic Agreement between Peru and MERCOSUR
Entered between the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Peru entered the agreement on December 30, 2005.
Peru - Mexico Trade Integration Agreement
The Peru - Mexico Trade Integration Agreement was entered in Lima on April 6, 2011 and took effect on February 1, 2012.
Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Korea
Peru is the second destination of Korean investment in Latin America in the sectors of energy, mining, manufacture and retailing and wholesale.
Peru - Andean Community Free Trade Agreement
It started by signing the Cartagena Agreement on May 26, 1969. Its members are Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Free Trade Agreement between Peru and Chile
Chile has the highest foreign investment in Peru among Latin American countries, with a share of 6.1%.
Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the States of the European Free Trade Association
Trade between Peru and the countries in the EFTA group recorded an annual average growth of 20%.
Peru - Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement
Peruvian products such as sardines, artichokes, garlic, mangos, lemons were admitted to the Costa Rican market with direct access.
Peru - Panama Free Trade Agreement
Peru exports to Panama plastic sheets and strips, as well as canned fish and caviar.
PERU - USA Trade Promotion Agreement
The Peruvian products exported to USA are: minerals, metals, textile products, fishery products, crude oil, coffee, cacao, handicraft, paprika, artichokes, grapes, mango, mandarin and asparagus.
Pacific Alliance
It offers competitive advantages in sectors such as mining, forestry resources, energy, agriculture, car making, fishery and manufacture.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
Pre-Inca cultures of Chavin, Mochica or Chimu left a great legacy in decoration.
Organización Mundial de Comercio
La OMC es una organización para la apertura del comercio. En este importante foro, los gobiernos negocien acuerdos comerciales.
Protocol between Peru and Thailand to the Liberalization of Trade in Goods.
The main products exported to Thailand are zinc, copper, fish meal, cuttlefish, fresh grapes and tara powder.
Peru - Singapore Free Trade Agreement
It promotes greater investments and consolidates the Peruvian commercial strategy in Asia.
Peru - China Free Trade Agreement
The Peru - China Free Trade Agreement allows a preferential access to the fastest growing market in the world, with more than 1.3 million people.
Peru - Canada Free Trade Agreement
After a year of negotiations, Peru and Canada entered in 2006 an Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement.

Peru secures USD 4.9 million in trade deals at international fair.
The OTM 2025 Fair in Mumbai established itself as a key platform where Peru showcased the best of its rich culture, capturing the attention of the Asian market.
Peru deepens ties with China through new trade and investment initiative
Business projections reach USD 14.4 million to be finalized over the course of the next twelve months.
It will promote Peruvian superfoods, alpaca garments and jewelry, among other products.
The largest trade fair in the food and beverage sector takes place in Paris from October 21 to 25.