How is the name of the year chosen in Peru, and what does it mean?
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Since 1962, the Government of Peru has established an official name for each year, a significant tradition that lasts from January 1 to December 31.
Each year, the government of Peru assigns an official name that reflects the country's national objectives, values, and priorities. This name, known as the "Name of the Year," appears on official documents and is adopted by both state and private institutions. Below, we explain the selection process, its significance, and share some examples of names chosen in recent years.
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Selection process
The name of the year is determined by the President of the Republic and their Council of Ministers. This decision is made as part of the government's first declarations at the start of the new year. The president often mentions it in their New Year's message, presenting their vision for the country over the next 12 months.
Then, through a Supreme Decree published in the official newspaper El Peruano in the first days of January, the name of the year is made official. To select it, the government typically considers:
National priorities: The goal is to highlight key issues of national interest, such as education, health, economic development, the environment, or human rights.
Socio-political context: The country's current situation and the challenges it is facing are taken into account.
Input from institutions and experts: Ministries, international organizations, and civil society can influence the selection process by offering proposals or recommendations.
The name of the year in Peru is mainly used in the following areas:
Official communiqués and presidential speeches
Throughout the year, the name is highlighted in speeches and official communiqués to remind the nation of the goals or challenges set by the government.
The media plays a key role in spreading the name of the year. It is a topic that typically makes headlines at the beginning of each year, with coverage in newspapers, television channels, radio, and websites.
Governmental and promotional campaigns
The name of the year is also used in institutional campaigns and government advertising. Additionally, it may appear on official materials, reports, and documents distributed by the government to the public.
State programs and projects
Depending on the name of the year and its focus, national projects and programs may be aligned with it.
Education and culture
In education, the name of the year can be used to inspire students and teachers in their pedagogical activities.
International institutions
The Peruvian government can also use the Name of the Year as a way to position the country on the international stage.
Social media
Social networks have become a key platform for spreading the name of the year. Through official government accounts, hashtags, posts, and messages are used to reinforce the theme of the year.
Source: Shutterstock
Examples of names of the year in Peru
Some of the names assigned in recent decades reflect a focus on various aspects of national development:
2025: Year of the Recovery and Consolidation of the Peruvian Economy.
2024: Year of the Bicentennial, the Consolidation of Our Independence, and the Commemoration of the Heroic Battles of Junín and Ayacucho.
2023: Year of Unity, Peace, and Development.
2022: Year of the Strengthening of National Sovereignty.
2021: Year of Peru's Bicentennial: 200 Years of Independence
2020: Year of Universal Health Care.
The name of the year in Peru is a government statement of intent that reflects the country's challenges and aspirations. Through this mechanism, the State aims to raise awareness, guide policies, and unite the nation around a common goal. Its annual selection is a tradition that continues, adapting to the circumstances and challenges of each historical moment.