Peru shows off its export offer and investment portfolio in mining
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The comparative advantages of investing in Peru, its government strategies for mining, as well as the important measures that will make it possible to boost mineral exploration activity in the country, were demonstrated during "Peru Day" at the recent edition of the PDAC 2018 (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada).
The Peruvian delegation was headed by the First Vice-President and ambassador of Peru in Canada, Martín Vizcarra; by Jorge León Benavides, leader of the delegation of Peruvian businessmen; the President of the Canada-Peru Chamber of Commerce, José Vizquerra, along with more than 280 mining executives and businessmen, as well as an important and representative group of public officials, in addition to the Minister of Energy and Mines, the Minister of Economy and Finance, senior officials from Mincetur.
The event, where the Peruvian Stand had an interactive area of 54m2, made mention of Peru’s biodiversity, as well as its many cultural, natural and adventure tourist attractions. In terms of foreign trade, it was indicated that 2017 was the year in which Peru returned to the path of growth, as exports exceeded 44 billion, driven by the formidable recovery of minerals and Peruvian fishing.
It was also widely commented how Peru has experienced the biggest increase in exports in Latin America.
"The expectations are that investment will continue to grow, generating interest from investors, and that they will go to Peru and see the wealth of our country and the investment conditions we offer," said Martín Vizcarra, Vice-President of the Republic and current ambassador to Canada.
The PDAC is one of the most important conventions in the mineral exploration industry worldwide, and its relevance lies in the fact that it is the main international platform promoting the discussion, exhibition and analysis of mining projects and exploration in different parts of the world.
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