Peru wins awards in Europe for tourism promotional videos
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Announcing to the world just how exceptional Peru’s destinations are, and thereby benefiting the extensive network of suppliers and providers in the industry in Peru, is PROMPERU's goal as it constantly launches advertising campaigns promoting tourism and as it supports private-sector initiatives that help project a positive image of the country to the world.
Several videos were made in pursuit of that goal: “Peru, the Richest Country in the World”, the audiovisual centerpiece of a new inbound tourism campaign; “Film in Peru”, publicizing the country’s potential as a destination for audiovisual productions in general, and “Generation with a Cause”, showcasing Peru’s cuisine. It also provided support in the making of “Voyager - Colors of Peru,” a series that explores the cosmopolitan culture of Lima and the fascinating jungle of Iquitos.
In recent weeks, these films have won major prizes at international tourism film festivals, The most recent was at the “International Eco & Tourism Film Festival” held from May 2-5 in Tortosa, Spain. “Peru, the Richest Country in the World” and “Film in Peru” won the Tourism Destinations Country and Location for the Promotion of Filming awards at this festival. The awards were accepted by Bernardo Muñoz, Peru's commercial counselor in Spain.
Toward the end of April, Peru won accolades at the Tourfilm Riga 2018 in Latvia, where “Generation with a Cause” and “Peru, the Richest Country in the World” took first and second place, respectively, in the Travel Destination-Country category, and “Voyager - Colors of Peru” came in second in the Cultural Tourism Category.
These productions were also very well received at the 52nd International Travel Trade Show Berlin in Germany, where “Peru, the Richest Country in the World”, “Film in Peru”, “Generation with a Cause”, and “Voyager – Colors of Peru” won the “Golden City Gate” prize.
Tourfilm Riga 2018 - Latvia
The International Tourism Film Festival “Tourfilm Riga 2018” features and gives awards to the best audiovisual productions and films in tourism. The awards ceremony was held on April 27. 476 tourism-related short films from 72 countries were submitted to the Tourfilm Riga, which was supported by the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT), which presented films nominated at national tourism festivals in other countries.
International Eco & Terres Film Festival
This festival takes place in the city of Tortosa, in Spain's Terres de l’Ebre region. Its mission is to showcase productions that cultivate the magic of travel – especially the discovery of natural landscapes – and to promote sustainable development. Terres LAB explores the most innovative trends in audiovisual depictions of travel experiences.
The festival received the EFFE award for 2017-2018 for its commitment to territorial cohesion and the promotion of creativity.
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