Isabel Alvarez

Isabel Alvarez is a sociologist, journalist, Peruvian cuisine researcher and also founder of APEGA (Peruvian Association of Gastronomy). 25 years ago, Isabel opened the restaurant "Señorío de Sulco" when Peruvian cuisine still was not receiving much attention. However, her restaurant has always had great success. She has also conducted a research on national cuisine and the history behind it. Among her works are: "Huellas y sabores del Peru" (Footprints and Flavors of Peru), "El Corregidor Mejia, cocina y memoria del alma limeña", (Correjidor Mejia: Lima's cuisine and memory of its soul), "Desde los Andes al mundo, sabor y saber" (From the Andes to the world, taste and knowledge). Isabel was also worthy of the Special Jury Prize at the 2005 Gourmet World Cookbook Awards.